March 31

The founder of the AfriWomenAdebukola Oso and staff visited the NGO’s Centre at Akingbola today. After meeting with last year’s graduates who wish to progress to the next literacy level and community stakeholders especially the Imam of Akingbola Central mosque. The date and time for the
resumption of Centre has been announced.

This is great news for last year’s student and the incoming ones. There was a consensus that the regulatory body’s holiday was too long. Our students, the community and the AfriWomen have clearly missed working together at the centre.
The AfriWomen offers literacy and skills acquisition to all our students free. The community is home to a multi ethnic and religious group. At the AfriWomen we celebrate diversity and embrace inclusion- the idea is that no one should be left behind in the race to eradicate poverty using women and the girl child as drivers and beneficiaries.

Our Akingbola centre has 78% teenage parents and young mothers of an average of 3 children. Most of them are stay at home mothers with no source of livelihood or skills. All of them have missed the chance of formal education.

As education is a social determinant of health and economic development, the government’s curriculum are guides that are also contextualised by the AfriWomen so that they are amenable to the intervention that we give our beneficiaries at this centre. The AfriWomen aim to provide supports for functional literacy and/higher educational attainment as a potential pathway to improving long-term human capacity development.