February 5, 2023 we successfully held our training workshop for students of Methodist Grammar School on #google tools for #ibadanstudents.

Staff and volunteers at the event said that it was worth the effort as the students were able to learn and start to use immediately new digital skills better research and study.

The trainer from Google Mr Olasubonmi AfrWomen, teacher and students of Methodist Grammar School during awards of certificates. According to the trainer, some of the purpose of the training is to ensure that the Google search engine tools and usage are simplified and relatable for the students.

Adebukola Oso the founder of AfriWomen, said that this gesture will contribute to the computer literacy of Ibadan students particularly girls whose education are lagging behind that of boys.

Oso, calls out to the government , individuals and cooperate organizations to also support the AfriWomen’s efforts to empower more students and even teachers with digital and technical skills. #digital #training #sdgs2030 #sdgs.