Unlocking Creativity, Confidence, and Growth!
AfriWomen’s AfriGirls summer camp programme took off with a bang, captivating hearts and minds and leaving a lasting mark on the lives of young girls, their families and communities. The initiative’s unique blend of education, empowerment, and arts and crafts activities resulted in numerous remarkable achievements.

One of our key achievements is creating awareness in the girls about recycling waste to create beautiful arts and crafts. The summer camp also gave young girls an extraordinary platform to showcase their artistic talents. What makes this truly newsworthy is their ability to transform seemingly ordinary items like wine bottles, straws and old cans into extraordinary creations. Simply, our girls repurposed straw waste and disposable milk cans into stylish flower vases and other useful items.

But it doesn’t stop there. AfriWomen goes above and beyond by teaching these young girls practical skills that empower them not only for the summer but for life itself. From art and craft to personal development programs encompassing leadership and well-being, this camp boosts self-esteem and equips them for the journey ahead.
Furthermore, the AfriWomen’s summer camp for girls also went beyond traditional education. The programme equipped the girls with practical skills. One standout achievement is the girls’ newfound expertise in crafting fashionable bathroom slippers fit for any outing. These skills not only boost their self-confidence but also provide them with a path to future prosperity.

There are numerous opportunities for your child to unleash their creativity through arts and craft to learn,grow and have fun.
The AfriWomen is aware of the community impact. The positive effects of this initiative aren’t confined to the camp’s boundaries. The knowledge, skills, and inspiration these girls have gained have the potential to create a ripple effect throughout their families and communities. AfriWomen’s vision of keeping girls engaged during their vacations is paying off, bringing tangible benefits to the wider community.

The girls paying attention to the correction or their works.

Behind this extraordinary endeavor stands the visionary founder, Mrs. Adebukola Oso, a driving force in empowering the next generation of young girls The Afriwomen founder mrs Adebukola oso with the summer camp student making sure they’re well guided and taught.

The process of slippers making.

The joy of learning radiates from their faces as they receive guidance from the dedicated team of AfriWomen
Enroll your child today to provide them with an unforgettable summer experience! AfriWomen’s commitment to empowering girls is not just a program; it’s a transformational journey. Witness the happiness, growth, and empowerment radiating from these girls as they embark on an unforgettable summer adventure with AfriWomen.

Throughout the program, the girls’ confidence has soared to new heights. Their dreams have expanded, and their voices have grown stronger. This transformation is at the heart of what makes AfriWomen’s summer camp initiative so newsworthy.
AfriWomen’s summer camp initiative is more than just a program; it’s a transformative journey for young girls.
Afriwomen#theafriwomen #adebukolaoso #ibadan #afrigirls #summercamp #empowergirls #transforminglives #education #empowerment #artsandcrafts #recycling #communityimpact #selfconfidence #dreams #girlsempowerment