On the 13th of December, 2023, AfriWomen celebrated and graduated our adult literacy beneficiaries from different centers. The ceremony was not just an event, it was a celebration of resilience, determination and unquenchable thirst for knowledge for our wonderful women of AfriWomen.

The keynote speaker, The Founder and CEO of AfriWomen Mrs Adebukola Oso applauded the graduating student because they were able to break barriers by taking that step of learning at this age. She also encouraged them to never stop growing and never be afraid to use what they have been taught by their facilitators and the different staffs of AfriWomen. Mrs Oso inspired the women with every sentence, our beneficiaries were captivated and took every word and emotion for use.

Each student that passed was awarded with certificate of completion and those that did extraordinarily well were also awarded with gifts to motivate them to be better and also motivate their peers. The facilitators of the different centers were awarded for their great contribution to their different centers and AfriWomen as a whole.

As the event came to an end, the beneficiaries stood up to give say testimonies and also give thanks to Mrs Adebukola Oso The Founder of AfriWomen for her great work and how she has changed their lives by bringing them this initiative, an initiative that has built their confidence.

The graduation ceremony was a subtle reminder of the power of literacy and the strength of human spirit. The graduation ceremony was not the end for the beneficiaries but rather a new beginning.